How to retarget on Facebook through Seeker’s list? 3 tips for advertising and broadcasting!

24 Dec 2020

Tips for advertising 1: Which lists are suitable for conversion ads?

In order to increase the desire of potential customers to buy, it is recommended to group below lists as audience:
  1. URL clicking list of certain product
  1. List of Super Fans, Regulars and tag that represents certain product
Super Fans and Regulars are the most active fans who took more reactions and comments in certain periods. They know better with your brand and products than other fans.

Tips for advertising 2: Which lists are suitable for traffic/interactive ads and increase reach & interaction?

It is hard to reach more fans only by creativity nowadays. It’s necessary to boost post through ads to reach more fans and lift engagement rate. We suggest you to take this list as ad audience base:
  1. List of Occationals, Passersby and tags that represent certain products. Occationals and Passersby are fans who know your brand and product less than other fans, they may be the new fans or take only a few reactions to your posts.

Tips for broadcasting 1: It’s important to broadcast to fans who are really interested in the content!

You are restricted to only push messages to fans who have had conversations through Facebook with you, which means you have to seperate target audience so that you won’t waste the only free chance to communicate with them.
Promotional messages can only push messages to fans who had a conversation with you within 24 hours. Please make sure you have arranged a nice retarget message after receiving messages!
How to push messages right?
  1. Push product launch info. to fans with “Ask for product price” tag
  2. Push member events to Super Fans and Regulars of the recent 2 month.
  3. Push first time offer to Occationals and Passersby with “Ask for product price” tag.

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